Friday, September 30, 2011

Birthday Month- Getting out of the House

 September is a busy month in our family full of birthdays of friends and family ( Katelyn & Kristin).

This week Katelyn had a full week break of sorts from her various chemo treatments, which meant when Kristin's b-day festivities included the aquarium Katelyn was excited to leave the house!

in a bubble- get it? 

making new friends:) 

facing her fears
Birthday Girl Katelyn = 18 , Kimberly , Birthday Girl Kristin= 25 


  1. Yay to getting out of the house! There was nothing better than just driving around or breaking free after having a low ANC that kept me pretty much isolated! Your looking great!

  2. Yes, you do look great, Katelyn! Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.
