Sunday, July 8, 2012

Long Time no Update

Hey ya'll! I've taken over the blog so now you'll all get to read everything straight from the cancer girl herself. Sorry it's been so long without an update but I MADE IT TO MAINTENANCE! Hallelujah. It's been a long road and im not done yet but things are definitely getting better and better. These past few months have brought many positive changes, making me all the more excited about the future. I was able to go out West the last week in May with my parents and Kimberly to look at apartments for the Fall and meet the doctors who will be taking care of me out there. Everything went better than I could have asked for and I'm so anxious to get out west. Get me out of here! No offense Chatt Town but I'm sick of you haha. Along with trips and hanging out with friends, I've finally had the energy to work out again and I love it. I never thought I would be so thankful to run again. This summer has been ten times better than last and it keeps getting better. Hopefully I'll keep ya'll updated with all my summer adventures! Thank you doesn't begin to cover how grateful I am for all the prayers and constant love everyone has given for me. I love each and every one of you guys for everything ya'll have done and continue to do. I wouldn't be where I am now without ya'll. I love you!

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